p5js Sketches
p5js/common/examples Sketches
p5js/coding-challenges Sketches
processing Sketches
Flash N-Body Gravity Simulation
A circa-2005 ActionScript (Flash) based N-Body simulation. -
Coding Challenge #10 - Maze Generator
This is a p5.js sketch inspired by the Coding Train’s Coding Challenge -
Coding Challenge #9 - Add textures to 3D Solar System
Explores use of p5.js' texture() option to wrap the planets in images (textures). -
Coding Challenge #8 - Solar System 3D
Building on the 2D-sketch, this makes use of 3D-vectors to model the Solar System. Highlights the value of refactoring away 2D concepts to make it ready for 3D support. -
Coding Challenge #7 - Solar System
Basic implementation of n-body problem modeling the force of gravity in a simple solar system model. -
Coding Challenge #6 - Mitosis
Preliminary sketch of cellular mitosis, splitting a vector shape into two while modeling the phases of cellular division. -
Coding Challenge #5 - Space invaders
This is a p5.js sketch inspired by the 'Coding Train' YouTube channel to create a playable game of Space Invaders. -
Coding Challenge #4 - Purple Rain
This is a Processing sketch inspired by the Coding Train’s Coding Challenge -
Coding Challenge #3 - Snake Game
This is a sketch inspired by the Coding Train's Coding Challenge -
Coding Challenge #2 - Menger Sponge
This is a Processing sketch inspired by the Coding Train’s Coding Challenge -
Coding Challenge #1 - Starfield
This is a Processing sketch inspired by the Coding Train’s Coding Challenge -
P5.JS - Procedural Generation of Terrain
Using Perlin noise to generate terrain, with approximate controls for percent of water and graduated color maps for elevation and water depth. -
Processing - Drawing a Hockey Rink
Scaled rendering of a Hockey rink, to learn Processing's drawing functions. -
Processing - Hexagonal Layout
Explore rendering a grid of hexagons and allowing for clicking/hovering over individual hexagons. -
Processing - Exploring Fermat's Spiral and Vogel's Model using the Golden Angle
This is a Processing sketch inspired by the Fermat spiral; which is closely related to the arrangement of sunflower seeds (phyllotaxis).
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