
This is a p5.js sketch inspired by the Coding Train’s Coding Challenge #5 of creating a playable game of Space Invaders .


  • LEFT / RIGHT to move the laser base (blue rectangle at bottom) left or right.
  • UP - to fire a laser beam at the income invaders.


Source code: (View on Github)

Notes / Learnings:

Animation of the invading ships

This is something I struggled to get right. I wanted to mimic the heartbeat style marching of the invaders across the screen as seen in the YouTube video.

So I turned to the frameCount variable. I was using this variable to determine which row was moving, and using division and modulus together to determine the row.

| framecount | `/ framesOfMovementPerRow` | `% this.rows` |  `rowMoving` |
|    0       |           10               |     5         |   0          |
|    1       |           10               |     5         |   0          |
|    2       |           10               |     5         |   0          |
|    3       |           10               |     5         |   0          |
|    4       |           10               |     5         |   0          |
|    5       |           10               |     5         |   0          |
|    6       |           10               |     5         |   0          |
|    7       |           10               |     5         |   0          |
|    8       |           10               |     5         |   0          |
|    9       |           10               |     5         |   0          |
|   10       |           10               |     5         |   1          |
|   11       |           10               |     5         |   1          |
|   12       |           10               |     5         |   1          |
|   13       |           10               |     5         |   1          |
|   14       |           10               |     5         |   1          |
|  ...       |           10               |     5         |   ...        |

But frameCount variable of the current frame starts at 1. Which I would have seen if I closely read the reference docs for frameCount.

This was fixed in this commit.

Also, I don’t like how I had to pre-calculate the minAllowedX / maxAllowedX values to detect when to turn around. I think there is a better way to go about this if I were to revisit it.

Next Steps

Some things I would do if I pick this back up:

  • Implement the concept of being hit by incoming missiles and limit the number of ships you have as a player.
  • Add sound (I haven’t worked to much with sound in Processing/p5.js yet).
  • Implement scoring.
  • Fix the issue that the invaders shoot missiles from any row / column.
  • Add the Mystery Ship which hovers above the invaders.
  • Explore Touch Screen interactivity to allow for playing on a smart phone / tablet.
  • Implement levels, maybe exploring the p5js.SceneManager with increasing difficultly. There are some config parameters that control the difficulty, that would facilitate this:
// Difficulty Settings
var allowedBullets = 1;
var allowedMissles = 1;
var invaderSpeed = 2;
var bulletSpeed = 5;
var missleSpeed = 3;