Ruby - console sketches


This is inspired by, and is a basic attempt to faciliate drawing to a terminal console within a Ruby Script.

The primary concepts reside in the lib/sketch.rb

Subclasses of that Ruby class get two methods, and the overall template of a sketch looks like:

require_relative '../lib/sketch.rb'

class ConsoleSketch < Sketch
  def setup
    # called once at startup

  def draw
  	# called once per frame  

And there are some basic methods provided to subclasses:

Method Description
width Returns the width of the console window in terms of number of characters.
height Returns the height of the console window in terms of number of characters
color(r, g, b) Returns a representation of the RGB color (0-255) based, that can be passed into color setting functions
color_hsl(h, s, l) Returns a representation of the HSL color (0-1) based, that can be passed into color setting functions
stroke( color ) Sets the stroke color of text display)
fill( color ) Sets the background color of text output.
print_at(text, x, y) Displays the text string at the specified coordinates.
fill_background Fills the screen with the current fill() color.


  • Ruby 2.7.5
  • Bundler


bundle install


bundle exec ruby ./sketches/random_color.rb

Example Output:

sketches/random_color.rb random-colors

sketches/striped_string.rb striped_string

sketches/color_chart.rb color_chart

sketches/10_print.rb color_chart