This is a p5.js sketch that allows you to draw a Frieze.
It was inspired by Ch. 30 “Strip Friezes” of Barrow’s 100 Essential Things You didn’t know you didn’t know about Math & the Arts (amazon.com).
- Keyboard:
Will save the canvas as a PNG to your computer.c
Will clear the canvas and allow you to start over.
- Mouse:
Click + Drag
(within the lighter grey area) will draw a line, which will be repeated based on the Frieze settings.
- URL parameters:
will set the width of the light grey drawing area.tileHeight=###
will set the height of the light grey drawing area.transform=hzt
Will configure the transformation for each step. You can leavev
out; butt
is required.z
means the lines will be horizontally flippedv
means the lines will be vertically flippedt
should always be included, otherwise you won’t see any repetition
will disable the second row of the frieze, which is a horizontal reflection. Setting it=1
will turn reflection back on.strokeWeight=#.#
allows you to control the pixel weight of the lines; values between 0.5 and 4 are the general range you want to be in.
- 100 Essential Things You didn’t know you didn’t know about Math & the Arts - Chapter 30: “Strip Friezes”
- YouTube: The Mathematics of Friezes - Crystal clear explanation of Friezes.