This is a p5.js sketch inspired by the Coding Train’s Coding Challenge #15 on creating a simulation of Fractal Trees with Objects.
This served to explore some of the internal physiology of tree growth.
Plant Physiology Modeled: (all links out to Wikipedia pages)
- How Meristems are stem cells within plants that are responsible for the creation of different plant organs and regulate growth.
- In this this sketch, the small elliptical leaves are produced by the meristems.
- That Apical Meristems are at the ends (tips / apex) of the stems and regulate growth by production of Auxins.
- These are visualized as green-circles at the end of segments.
- Auxin is a plant hormone that at high levels leads to elongation of shoots, and suppresses lateral growth (both in terms of widening of branches and opening of lateral buds).
- The Auxin concentration is visualized by a reddening of the otherwise white tree segments.
- Axillary-buds are created by Apical Meristems at the attachment point of leaves, but their growth is dormant until the Apical Meristem has grown sufficiently far a way. This is a form of Apical Dominance.
- The buds are yellow circles, seen at the attach point of leaves.
- Gravitropism is a natural behavior of plants to grow relative to the gravity they are experiencing.
- In this sketch, this is demonstrated within the roots, where the root segments have a a sense of which direction they are growing in, which drives their branching behavior. (Only segments growing downward oscillate between branches on each side; left and right segments only branch downward).
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